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ADA Presidents Album


Doctor Cushing, of Chicago, was elected eleventh president of the Association at the 1871 meeting at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. As chairman of the Committee on Dental Literature, he delivered an extensive report, citing the recent "marked improvement" in dental journals. Doctor Cushing was one of the founders, and twice president, of the Illinois State Dental Society. He also served as president of the Chicago Dental Society and the Chicago Odontological Society. He was recording secretary of the American Dental Association from 1878 to 1883 and from 1885 until his death in 1900. Doctor Cushing was born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1829.

Publication Date



Content comprises text (a brief biography and historical highlights), facsimile of autograph and a photographic portrait for each ADA President from 1860 to 1977.
