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ADA Presidents Album


Doctor Miner, of Boston, became the seventy-fourth president of the Association at the 1936 meeting in San Francisco. The economic depression of the 1930s was reflected in certain activities of the Association, including a system for reporting economic conditions in each state to the Committee on Economics. Doctor Miner, who was both a physician and a dentist, limited his practice to oral surgery. He was a teacher of oral surgery at Harvard University Dental School from 1905 to 1924 and was the dean from 1924 to 1944. He served as president of the Massachusetts Dental Society, the New England Dental Society, and the International Association of Dental Research. Doctor Miner was the author of several dental and medical publications. He was born in Illinois in 1882 and died in 1964.

Publication Date



Content comprises text (a brief biography and historical highlights), facsimile of autograph and a photographic portrait for each ADA President from 1860 to 1977.
