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Publication Title

ADA Presidents Album


Doctor McGuirl, of Providence, Rhode Island, became the one-hundred-and-fifth president of the Association at the 1968 meeting in Miami Beach. In his presidential address he said: "Unless all of the health arts and sciences move more toward the area of prevention, rather than treatment, we will ultimately fail in our race to control disease and produce a happier and healthier people." Doctor McGuirl served two terms as a member of the Board of Trustees after being a member of the House of Delegates for a number of years. He served as president, and for many years executive secretary, of the Rhode Island State Dental Society. Earlier, he was president of the Providence District Dental Society. Doctor McGuirl was secretary of the Rhode Island State Dental Service Corporation and a director, representing the ADA, of the National Association of Dental Service Plans. He was born in Rhode Island in 1908 and died in 1977.

Publication Date



Content comprises text (a brief biography and historical highlights), facsimile of autograph and a photographic portrait for each ADA President from 1860 to 1977.
