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ADA Presidents Album


Doctor Atkinson, of New York City, was elected first president of the American Dental Association at the i860 meeting in Washington, at which the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association were adopted. A "preliminary meeting," with Doctor Walter W. Allport as chairman, had been held at Niagara Falls in 1859. No meeting was held in 1861. Doctor Atkinson presented an essay on "Has Dentistry Attained to the Dignity of a Profession?" at the 1862 meeting. He was an ardent student of microscopy and the natural sciences. Doctor Atkinson was a frequent contributor to the dental literature of essays on subjects such as diagnosis, physiology of the blood, alveolar abscess, decalcified teeth, dental therapeutic agents, dentures, the relation of general to special practice and many other topics. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1815 and died in 1891.

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Content comprises text (a brief biography and historical highlights), facsimile of autograph and a photographic portrait for each ADA President from 1860 to 1977.
