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ADA Presidents Album


Doctor Ennis, of Philadelphia, became the eighty-eighth president of the Association at the 1951 meeting in Washington. In his presidential address at the 1952 meeting, Doctor Ennis spoke of the rapid institution of fluoridation of public water supplies since it was approved by the House of Delegates in 1950. Doctor Ennis was a professor and chairman of the department of radiology for over 40 years at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He was the author of a textbook, Dental Roentgenology, and was a founder and president of the American Academy of Dental Radiology. Doctor Ennis served as president of the Pennsylvania Dental Association. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1893 and died in 1978.

Publication Date



Content comprises text (a brief biography and historical highlights), facsimile of autograph and a photographic portrait for each ADA President from 1860 to 1977.
