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American Dental Association
folleto, panfleto, folleto, educación sanitaria dental, salud bucodental, niños, intervención dental temprana, hábitos dentales, odontología preventiva, atención dental materna, primera visita al dentista, radiografía, pérdida de dientes, espaciadores dentales, anatomía dental, fluoración del agua, nutrición dental, diagramas dentales, registro dental, formulario dental en blanco, fluoruración de los abastecimientos de agua, brochure, pamphlet, booklet, leaflet, dental health education, oral health, children, early dental intervention, dental habits, preventative dentistry, maternal dental care, first dental visit, xray, tooth loss, dental spacers, tooth anatomy, water fluoridation, dental nutrition, dental diagrams, dental record keeping, blank dental form
Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Dental Materials | Dental Public Health and Education | Dentistry | History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Pediatric Dentistry and Pedodontics
Recommended Citation
American Dental Association, "Los dientes de su hijo [Spanish language version: Your Child's Teeth] (1963)" (1963). Patient Dental Health Education Brochures. 327.
![Los dientes de su hijo [Spanish language version: Your Child's Teeth] (1963)](
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Community Health and Preventive Medicine Commons, Dental Materials Commons, Dental Public Health and Education Commons, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons, Pediatric Dentistry and Pedodontics Commons
Translated and printed courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive Professional Services