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American Dental Association
brochure, pamphlet, booklet, leaflet, dental health education, oral health, Spanish language, gum disease, enfermedades de las encias, tooth decay, caries dentales, pyorrhea, piorrea, pain, dolor, tooth loss, perdida de dientes, appearance, mala apariencia, expense, tratamiento costos, brushing, cepille dientes, step by step, toothpaste, pasta de diente, baking soda, bicarbonato de soda, tooth powder, plovo dentifico, fluoride, fluoruro, ADA seal, sello de las ADA, mouthwash, enjuague bucal, germs, germenes
Dental Hygiene | Dental Public Health and Education | Dentistry | History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Recommended Citation
American Dental Association, "¡Hagalo! [Spanish language version: Do It!] (1970)" (1970). Patient Dental Health Education Brochures. 141.
![¡Hagalo! [Spanish language version: Do It!] (1970)](
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Dental Hygiene Commons, Dental Public Health and Education Commons, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons