

In this "10-Minute EBD" column, the authors explore a clinical question utilizing the evidence-based dentistry (EBD) process within orthodontic practice. The study aims to address whether frenectomy or no frenectomy is more effective in achieving successful closure of maxillary diastema in children undergoing orthodontic treatment with a high maxillary anterior labial frenum attachment. Employing a PICO question framework, the authors examined relevant literature through PubMed and Google Scholar, identifying five pertinent articles. The compiled evidence, which included systematic reviews, randomized control trials, and a retrospective cohort study published between 2013 and 2022, suggests that frenectomy, combined with orthodontic treatment, is an effective approach to close diastemas and enhance periodontal health. The studies indicate that frenectomy accelerates diastema closure, thereby enhancing patient satisfaction and outcomes, yet studies concluded that frenectomies are best when provided following orthodontic treatment. The analysis underscores the need for further well-designed research to reinforce findings and provide comprehensive insights into optimal treatment strategies.
