


artificial intelligence, clinical judgment, decision support systems, patient privacy and safety, telehealth, HIPAA privacy and security, fraud, protected health information, business associate agreement, maxillofacial rehabilitation, maxillofacial care referral, prosthetic devices, antral foreign bodies, sinusitis, Valsalva test, orofacial angiodema, antihypertensive drug side effects


In the August-September 2022 issue, the reader will find the following feature articles:

  • Maxillary Sinus Foreign Body From an Unusual Source: Provisional Prosthesis Material
  • Antihypertensive Drug-induced Orofacial Angioedema: Case Reports
  • An Overview of Maxillofacial Rehabilitation for the General Dentist

This issue includes regular columns with regional news impacting the New York membership including: editorial and perspectives columns, legal, association activities, component news, continuing education opportunities, and classifieds.
